Honoring tradition, fostering community & developing the artists of tomorrow.
Caffè Lena was founded in the belief that music, poetry and storytelling are essential forms of human expression that must be cultivated, preserved and passed forward to the next generation. Toward that end, Caffè Lena presents a diverse and highly selective program of professional and amateur performances, classes, and community gatherings both online and in an intimate listening room in Saratoga Springs, New York. In person and in the virtual world, Caffè Lena is a welcoming space where art, ideas and creative fellowship flourish.
- We cultivate authentic human connection by treating our volunteers, staff, artists, students, customers and online participants as friends and community members.
- We value, present and teach musical traditions that have contributed to the evolution of American folk music. We also present performances of global roots traditions that are underrepresented in the mainstream music industry.
- We recognize that the music we present has developed and been sustained primarily as a non-commercial family and community tradition. In keeping with that tradition, we welcome children, teens and adults to create, learn and enjoy art side by side.
- We embrace the role of folk music as a loud, clear voice for truth, racial equality, fairness and against oppression in all its forms, and recognize that its history has not always reflected these values.
- We include people of diverse abilities and limited means by offering free programs, scholarships and volunteer opportunities.
- We care for our customers and artists by offering the highest level of service, comfort and safety that we can provide in person and online.
To support Caffe Lena’s mission and values we ask that all students of the Caffe Lena School of Music read and honor the following Code of Conduct:
Practice inclusivity: The Caffe Lena School of Music welcomes and supports people of all backgrounds and identities. This includes, but is not limited to members of any sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, race, ethnicity, culture, national origin, social and economic class, educational level, color, immigration status, sex, age, size, family status, political belief, religion, and mental and physical ability.
Respect: Each student brings a different perspective to class, which is a source of great creativity. Our differences invite diversity which is one of our greatest strengths. We all experience frustration from time to time when differences of opinion arise, but we cannot allow that frustration to become personal. Harassment and exclusionary behavior are not acceptable. This includes, but is not limited to: Use of derogatory, discriminatory, or insulting language, sharing sexually explicit or violent material via electronic devices or other means, unwelcome attention especially of a sexual nature. A small example: telling someone they look nice in the zoom chat privately may seem harmless and yet, it is inappropriate; threats of violence, bullying or menacing behavior, advocating for, or encouraging, any of the above behavior. There is no excuse for disrespectful behavior. Always conduct yourself with kindness and respect for others.
Self-Awareness: We depend on each other to create a safe, inspiring environment in which to explore music, online and in-person. Our speech and our actions have an impact on our classmates. Think through the possible consequences and take them into account when making decisions that could affect the group as a whole or a classmate. Remember that class time is limited; excessive talking, disruptions and distractions take away from the creative environment for your fellow classmates. Be responsible for your own and others’ well-being: if another person’s behavior toward you makes you uncomfortable, ask them politely to stop. If someone asks you to stop, politely do so immediately. You might want to apologize while you’re at it. If the situation does not resolve, contact the program coordinator of the School of Music.
Be patient: We all make mistakes, and blame is counterproductive to the creative process. Focus on resolving issues constructively and in a manner that makes the learning environment better for everyone.
Online etiquette: The chat function on Zoom is for posting things that are pertinent to the class. Avoid carrying on a “side conversation” in the chat; it is the same as passing notes in class when the teacher is talking. If you need help with the technology, make time with the program coordinator to run through the logistics in a private session so we are not taking up class time finding your volume controls!
Recourse: If there is an issue, contact the program coordinator immediately. They will alert the Caffe Lena Executive Director and initiate an investigation of the matter. Actions taken by a student that are determined to be out of alignment with this Code of Conduct, and thereby put another student, staff member, the class environment or Caffe Lena’s reputation at risk, may result in the offending party leaving the class without refund.