Guitar Workshops: Thursdays, Jan. 9 through March 13
Max students per class 8, $175 for 10 classes
Guitar I – Beginner/Intermediate (10- 11 AM)
This class will focus on learning basic skills in order to play songs alone or with other players. Each week we will focus on learning specific skills that players can build on to gain confidence while playing. We will also work on playing different styles of music and transposing pieces into various keys. The goal is to provide players information and skills so they are comfortable in various musical environments.
Topics Include:
- Open position chords and how they are related to each other
- Moving from chord to chord smoothly and in time
- Rhythm and strumming techniques
- Single note play: Pentatonic scale, lead-ins and fills
- Movable chord shapes
- Learning new songs
- Playing and performing with other musicians
Guitar II – Intermediate/Advanced (11:15 AM – 12:15 PM)
This class will focus on learning additional skills in order to play more advanced songs and arrangements alone or with other players. Each week we will focus on learning specific skills that players can build on to gain confidence while playing. We will also work on playing different styles of music and transposing pieces into various keys. The goal is to provide players information and skills so they are comfortable in various musical environments.
Topics Include:
- Open position chords and how they are related to each other, including more advanced voicings
- Chord extensions (6, 7, 9, 13), inversions and advanced voicings
- Rhythm and strumming techniques, including syncopated rhythms, crosspicking and finger style rhythm playing
- Single note play: utilizing various scales and phrasing to map out breaks/solos
- Movable chord shapes and voicings
- Learning and arranging new songs
- Playing and performing with other musicians.