In this 6 week class we will learn how to create mandolin solos by ear for 12 bluegrass songs from the JAM Songbook. The JAM Songbook, created by Pete Wernick and Liam Purcell is used in the Junior Appalachian Musician’s after school roots music program that runs in various Southeastern states in the US. All registered students will receive a copy of the JAM songbook at the first class. Course Objectives At the end of this course, students will be able to: • Pick out the melody based break on a Bluegrass song by ear. • Begin to understand how to ornament a melody based break on a Bluegrass song. • Gain confidence playing in a bluegrass jam session. • Gain knowledge of the mandolin fretboard.
Alan Epstein has been playing mandolin for the past 54 years and has been teaching others to play mandolin for 30 years. Originally from Pittsburgh, Pa and currently living in Glens falls, NY. Alan has preformed in bluegrass bands in Colorado, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Michigan and New York. A former contributing writer for the now defunct Mandolin Magazine, in 2002 Alan was the founder of the modern day Pittsburgh Mandolin Orchestra and has been a Wernick Method Bluegrass Jam instructor since 2012. During all this time he has made it a priority to take mandolin lessons and workshops from the top players in the world and share what he has learned when he teach others to play. Alan teaches by ear and specialize in Bluegrass and Old Time music. In Alan’s own words, “IMHO the world needs more mandolin players and I'm here to help make that happen”.